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Green Vilnius
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- Sustainable ideas
- Urban mobility
- Green transformations
- Environment and biodiversity
“DĖK’ui” hangers
In the library, in the Presidential Palace, at school, and in the retirement community. In various places around the capital, one by one, “DĖK’ui” hangers are being installed, inviting people to exchange good clothes that they no longer need. Anyone who wants to exchange clothes in their workplace, learning or leisure space, or in their neighbourhood can contribute to the development of “DĖK’ui” hangers. To do so, please send an email to or the Waste Culture Facebook account.
Looptex Circular Fashion Centre
Here you can buy quality second-hand fashion products and bring your discarded clothes, shoes, haberdashery and other textiles for SALE, SELL, ADD or GIVE. You can bring items of good quality and higher value to sell and thus recover part of the value of the item when it is sold. Clean, tidy items, regardless of their value, can be brought in for a refund of 0.50 Looptex euros per kg immediately. You can also donate all unwanted textiles, which will be donated or diverted to the best possible use.
Open daily. Sign up in advance to bring items for resale:, otherwise drop in anytime during the centre’s opening hours.
Workshop space PATS SAU
PATS SAU – open workshops for school-age children and young people at the Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library. Conservation and reuse are of utmost importance to the workshop, and many already used materials and tools are given a new lease of life here, thus encouraging creativity and eco-consciousness among the students. In this self-working space, pupils can put their creative ideas into practice and develop independently.
Community gardens
From 25 April, or Saint Mark’s Day, Lithuanians would start working in their gardens and plant carrots first. Urban gardening is also gaining popularity in Vilnius. In Pilaitė, city residents have been cultivating the “Bed of Ideas” for five seasons, while in Sapieha Palace Park, the residents of Antakalinis now have both outdoor beds and a hydroponic garden that is open all year round. Carrots and beetroots are grown even in the Old Town.
Water pot
The network of water fountains in public service organisations is a significant sustainability initiative, helping to promote healthy habits, increase water consumption, and reduce the use of plastic. Environmentally friendly ways offered to residents and visitors to the city to refresh themselves with quality water from deep boreholes in Vilnius contribute to our commitment to a green city.
Christmas forest
Christmas trees that bring joy during the holidays are planted in the Christmas forest near the Verkiai Palace — the number of trees has reached 100.
“Neakivaizdinis Vilnius” cycling route
Ride a bicycle to get messages about the future of the planet and climate change. These green messages are “sent” by none other than sculptures that look mute at first glance. The latest “Neakivaizdinis Vilnius” cycling route along the banks of the river Neris, “The Green Power of Art. Sculptures that Make you Think”, not only encourages you to get on your bike more often and travel around the city in a “green” way, but also to learn to stop and listen to the language of art about important things.
On a 7 km route along the river Neris, eight sculptures have been selected to raise questions about the transience of ourselves and our cities, about nature in the city and how not to overshadow it, about migration, about distance from origins and authenticity, about what makes a person grow.
Bicycle storage
In 2024, modern bicycle storage facilities opened their doors to bicycles and scooters that have no space at home.
Each of the 18 storage facilities contains 16 bicycles and 4 scooters, is automatically locked and accessible to residents 24 hours a day. The safety of bicycles and scooters in ensured by a sliding gate that may be pushed in both directions with an electronic lock, unlocked with a JUDU/Vilnius Resident card. In addition, each bicycle storage facility has tools for bicycle repairs.
Sustainability Hub Vilnius Tech
Here, education, business and science come together. It is a place to build competences through various courses and develop sustainability in the centre’s laboratories.
The Sustainability Hub was established on 3 April 2023. Its aim is to strengthen competences in the field of sustainability, to efficiently carry out the activities of the University, to promote a unified approach to sustainability among VILNIUS TECH departments, and to foster a culture of sustainability and responsibility towards the environment, society, and the region.
“Bird houses” — small libraries
From now on, eight public spaces in Vilnius will have refurbished, repaired and, in some cases, new open-air book “bird houses” — small libraries where everyone can take a book to read or bring books they no longer need for others to read.
Community fridge
Lithuania’s first community fridge is a food-sharing station where anyone can bring extra food that is still edible. Not only city residents who are interested in preserving and conserving food, but also shops, bakeries, cafés and restaurants can now leave food in the fridge.
Food may be put in the fridge or taken as necessary at any time of the day or night, while canned and dry food, personal hygiene and cleaning products can be put on open shelves nearby. The contents of the fridge are constantly monitored by volunteers, and anyone who passes by the community fridge is welcome to bring or take food.
Community centre “Miesto laboratorija“
Visit the café in a sustainable and environmentally friendly educational community centre. A freshly cooked breakfast, lunch or coffee break will enrich your day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, fresh bread and pastries are waiting for you. On Fridays you will find a farmers’ market. See creativity blossom in the hydroponic garden. Join educational programmes on sustainability. And most importantly, meet like-minded people.
Charging stations for electric vehicles
The charging stations for electric vehicles are currently installed directly on lighting poles or integrated inside them and are stationary. The advantage of this solution is that it maximises the use of the city’s existing lighting infrastructure.
The first cycling street
This is the first real bicycle street in Lithuania, where cyclists are on an equal footing with cars. The street is marked with a bicycle street sign and also has a fully-fledged infrastructure for cyclists, which meets the requirements for this type of street.
The bicycle street is a new format, a traffic regulation measure in Lithuania, which was introduced as late as 2022. Although Vilnius already had bicycle streets before, they did not reflect the infrastructure principles of this type of street — the bicycle street format has been fully implemented only in P. Vileišio Street
Vilnius 100 km
Run, walk, explore — discover new places in Vilnius!
The whole route consists of ten different sections. Everyone, from professional hikers to Vilnius residents who like walking, can enjoy the tranquillity of nature and inspiring views.
Watering bag
One watering bag can hold about 75 l of water. When watering trees, this amount of water is poured in at least two parts into the watering wells installed at the roots of a tree by staff who come with a water tank vehicle. This takes at least 10-15 minutes per tree. The watering bags therefore save both staff time and the cost of travelling to the site. One bag is filled with water in one minute on average.
The water drips out of the bags slowly and provides even and constant irrigation to the roots of the plant. One such bag empties in 8-10 hours.
In some places, the water is supplemented weekly with a biohumus concentrate to give the trees not only water but also nutrients.
Natural insect hotels
In Vilnius, on the banks of the river Neris and in parks, city residents notice fallen and decaying trees. This is not negligence on the part of the city’s caretakers. Dying, rotting trees enter another life cycle — they become homes and food for other smaller animals, insects, plants, fungi, and later turn into fertiliser for the soil.
These trees are particularly important for the ecological health of a natural area. A single fallen tree contains more than 5,000 organisms of all kinds that feed on dead wood. Both dead trees that are still standing and those that have already fallen and are decaying are valuable. They are home and food to a variety of life forms.
The roof terrace of the Lazdinai pool
This is the first 1000 sq. m green roof in Vilnius. Nine types of stonecrops have been chosen to liven up the roof, with more than three thousand different plants added to the stonecrop cover. This also contributes to increasing biodiversity. Perennial, heat-loving flowering plants that thrive in the sun, such as thyme, oregano, calamintha, strawberries, and spurges, were planted. Carnations add colour, and some white mugwort has been planted. There is a watering system for the plants. The roof terrace of the Lazdinai pool is open to the public. A rooftop café is planned in the near future.
DĖK’ui stop
You can take unwanted items that are usable and in good condition to any of the bulky waste collection sites in Vilnius region managed by UAB VAATC during working hours. Items must be fit for their intended use — in good condition, without an unpleasant smell, clean, and unbroken, unless the defect is easily repaired. Items suitable for sharing can be inspected on the database at or on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the premises of “DĖK’ui” stops.
Urban garden
Urban gardens, with vegetables and herbs among the flowers, are becoming increasingly popular in European cities. Such an unusual flower garden has been planted in Šnipiškės, near the CUP shopping centre. Herbs and flowers such as marigolds, nasturtiums, anise hyssops, apple mint and cosmos grow there.
In addition, there are over 400 pumpkins, almost as many chards, curly kales, corn, scarlet runner beans, fennels, and almost a hundred field tomatoes.