The roof terrace of the Lazdinai pool

This is the first 1000 sq. m green roof in Vilnius. Nine types of stonecrops have been chosen to liven up the roof, with more than three thousand different plants added to the stonecrop cover. This also contributes to increasing biodiversity. Perennial, heat-loving flowering plants that thrive in the sun, such as thyme, oregano, calamintha, strawberries, and spurges, were planted. Carnations add colour, and some white mugwort has been planted. There is a watering system for the plants. The roof terrace of the Lazdinai pool is open to the public. A rooftop café is planned in the near future.

DĖK’ui stop

You can take unwanted items that are usable and in good condition to any of the bulky waste collection sites in Vilnius region managed by UAB VAATC during working hours. Items must be fit for their intended use — in good condition, without an unpleasant smell, clean, and unbroken, unless the defect is easily repaired. Items suitable for sharing can be inspected on the database at or on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the premises of “DĖK’ui” stops.

Urban garden

Urban gardens, with vegetables and herbs among the flowers, are becoming increasingly popular in European cities. Such an unusual flower garden has been planted in Šnipiškės, near the CUP shopping centre. Herbs and flowers such as marigolds, nasturtiums, anise hyssops, apple mint and cosmos grow there.

In addition, there are over 400 pumpkins, almost as many chards, curly kales, corn, scarlet runner beans, fennels, and almost a hundred field tomatoes.